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Old May 03, 2005, 12:42 AM // 00:42   #1
Pre-Searing Cadet
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Default The "I came from WoW" Thread

I hope I'm not breaking any rules by the title?

I'm still playing World of Warcraft by a level 60 rogue, and I hope that when I get enough money, I'll get off my lazy butt and get this game at GameStop. I'm a kid at the age of 13 ( hehe ) and I don't use my parent's credit card, I use game cards. Hopefully, Guild Wars will be a better investment, and might the the game that I've been looking for all my life. Before World of Warcraft came out or Guild Wars, I was following GW almost 3/4 of a year ago, and became interested to know that it had no monthly fees. Well, when World of Warcraft came out, I was in heaven, basically. Most of you were probably intrigued by the "Warcraft" title of it, and the graphics were amazing. When I look at the GW graphics, they were amazing too, because of that unique glow to it.
Now after 5 months of playing WoW, I'm still deciding whether I should play or not. I'd have to say, farming for gold to buy an epic mount, or doing runs on raids/instances have become repetitive and incessant. Is Guild Wars going to provide that action I need, or hopefully the "non-repetitive-ness" of it? Also, if you came to World of Warcraft, please comment on my post. Any current Guild Wars player tell me what appealled you to this game?

Thank you for your time.
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Old May 03, 2005, 12:52 AM // 00:52   #2
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Apr 2005

Former WoW player here. Everything appealed to me. Mostly I was sick and tired of waiting for Blizzard to implement stuff. I mean c'mon. 7 MONTHS for the Honor system that was supposed to be in the release version? I like patches that work, but that's a little extreme.

I was most intrigued by the fact that I wouldn't have to run 3 hour instances thousands of times to get the best equipment. I never got much in WoW becuase I simply did not have the time to put towards and instance. The missions that require groups here take about 30mins to an hour. That's very doable for me.

Next, there is a better guild setup. Capes look vastly superior to the limited options of WoW, and the Guild halls with guild vs guild battles trump anything WoW has yet to offer. (Battlegrounds don't really appeal to me anyway, because those who spent billions of hours farming instances will always come out on top anyway.)

The classes here are so balanced. Some combos are pretty powerful, but each classes has several strengths as well as a few weaknesses. There doesn't seem to be any need for nerfs (other than one Ranger skill that doubles a party's HP or something along those lines), but when the nerfs do come, I have full confidence that they will be well thought out and not the crap that Blizzard has pushed out. (IE: Every nerfed spell seems to have dimishing returns. Refer to Frost Shock, Fear, etc.)

Overall, this game fits a much more balanced playstyle. If you are a fan of single player RPGs with complex storylines that you can play with friends, and organized, centralized PvP, this game is for you. If you like the massive, pointless slaughterfests on the WoW Pvp servers, you are probably better off sticking with that game.
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Old May 03, 2005, 01:04 AM // 01:04   #3
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Join Date: Dec 2004

I am going to pre-emptively close this thread, and I have done for about a dozen other similar threads. This is not the place to complain about what Blizzard has done right and/or wrong.

Many people are coming from other MMOs - Guild Wars is an interesting hybrid that is border-line with quite a few different genres.

But what is Guild Wars? This should help explain quite a bit -

A similar post may also help shed some light:
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